Download Firmware CyanogenMod 10.1.3 RC1

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At the end of June, the final release of CyanogenMod version 10.1 was released and two stable successors have already appeared. CyanogenMod is an open source operating system for smartphones and tablets. It is based on a bare-bones version of Android and adds additional functionality, including root access, shortcuts in the notification bar, an expanded lockscreen, and various themes for the interface. Furthermore, there are often performance improvements compared to the software supplied by a manufacturer. Before the developers focus entirely on CyanogenMod 10.2, which is based on Android 4.3, there will be another stable update with version number 10.1.3 and the release candidate is now available for download.

CyanogenMod 10.1.3 RC1

With our focus shifting to CM 10.2 we mentioned that we would part ways with CM 10.1′s code branch through a final 10.1.3 release. The code in CM 10.1.2 was frozen in May, and since then we have included numerous bug fixes, features, and even devices. Today, we are starting the Release Candidate phase for CyanogenMod 10.1.3, based on Android 4.2.2.

This release includes the Privacy Guard functionality and SELinux (permissive mode) previously only available in 10.1 nightlies. Also of note, we are green-lighting some devices for their first general release, including the HTC One family (m7), Galaxy S4 family (jflte), the Note 2 family (t0lte) and some of the new devices merged as part of our Developer Relations efforts. Lastly, per Koush’s wishes the Voice+ integration will not be present in this release, details on his post.

As this is a Release Candidate, and possibly the last release before we shelve the 10.1 code, it is critical that if you find an issue, you report bugs to jira , with a valid log and steps to replicate. We cannot fix what you don’t report or what we cannot reliably re-create.

Just to play it safe – this is CM 10.1 code, do not flash it on top of a 10.2 nightly or with 10.2 targeted add-ons. Bad things will happen.

Version number 10.1.3 RC1
Release status beta
Operating systems android
Website CyanogenMod
File sizes

149.52MB – 223.81MB

License type GPL
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