Download Firmware Asus P5N32-SLI SE Deluxe 0603

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Anonymous: 128222 alerts us to a new bios for Asus’ P5N32-SLI SE Deluxe motherboard. The bios has been given version number 0603 and can be downloaded from this server as a zip file. Among other things, the Asus developers have lowered the ‘CPU Fan Speed ​​Warning’ from 800 to 600rpm. In addition, the Q fansoftware improved:

P5N32-SLI SE Deluxe BIOS version 0603

  • Support new CPUs.
  • Modify CPU Fan Speed ​​Warning value from 800RPM to 600RPM
  • Enhance stability of Q-Fan function.
  • [break]

    Version number 0603
    Website Asus
    File size


    License type Freeware
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