Firefox to block cross-site tracking, fingerprinting and cryptominers
Browser Firefox will block tracking, fingerprinting and cryptominers by default in future versions. That should improve the speed of websites and privacy of users, says browser builder Mozilla.
The changes can already be found in the Nightly test version of Firefox, Mozilla says. Only if users consent, websites are allowed to enable cross-site tracking. Blocking slow trackers is done from Firefox 63, which is scheduled for release at the end of October. All cross-site tracking will be blocked from Firefox 65, which is slated for the end of January next year.
It is unknown when Mozilla will start blocking fingerprinting and cryptominers by default in Firefox. The browser builder does not announce a release date for this. For many users, the move means that the browser seems to better guarantee privacy in the future. For website administrators, it probably means that less user data will be available.
Mozilla refers back to blocking pop-ups in Firefox since 2004, something that prompted ad creators to create better ads. The organization hopes that these steps will have roughly the same effects. Many websites have already adjusted tracking behavior due to recent legislation such as the European GDPR regulations.