Firaxis Announces Six New DLC Packs for Civilization VI

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From May to January 2021, a DLC pack for Civilization VI will be released every two months. Each pack contains at least one new civilization. The entire set can be purchased as a New Frontier Pass for forty euros.

The first part of the set will be released on May 21 and will be called the Maya & Gran Colombia Pack, which immediately reveals the two civilizations included in the pack. Each of the two civilizations has a Leader, although it is not known who they are. That first dlc package also contains a new Apocalypse game form, but nothing else is known about that either. Finally, the pack includes new City-States, Resources, and Natural Wonders. It is also not yet known what the Maya & Gran Colombia Pack will cost separately.

The second pack is called Ethiopia Pack and will be released in July. It includes one civilization, one leader and the new Secret Societies game mode. The four remaining packs also each contain a new game format. The pack, which will be released in September, contains two new civilizations, the remaining three one civilization each, with corresponding leader.

If you order the whole thing in the New Frontier Pass, you will receive the Teddy Roosevelt and Catherine De Medici Persona Packs as an extra, in which both existing leaders get a new appearance, but above all new characteristics. Both will follow a different agenda from now on. The two bonus packs are included with the July DLC. The six packs will be available for Windows PC, Mac, Linux, Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and Switch. The expansions for the mobile version of the game will be released later this year. Firaxis also promises free extras for all players of the game, including those who do not purchase the upcoming expansions. Think of new maps and scenarios.

Civilization VI was released in 2016 and already received two major expansions in 2018 and 2019 in the form of Rise and Fall and Gathering Storm.

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