Fallout 76 expansion Skyline Valley includes new map and playable Ghouls

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Fallout 76 is getting a major expansion in which players can also enter new areas. Players can explore Shenandoah National Park, among other places. For the first time in a Fallout game, it will also be possible to play as a Ghoul.

Fallout 76: Skyline Valley releases on June 12. Microsoft and Bethesda announced the game on Sunday night during the Xbox Showcase. It is the first major expansion of the multiplayer game that also introduces a new area. The Shenandoah region is located south of where the main story takes place: in the Appalachian region on the east coast of North America. Players can also encounter new enemies in it.

In the game, players must solve a mystery involving a storm that has hit the residents of Vault 63. Unique to the game is that in the future it will also be possible to play as a Ghoul. That expansion won't be released until early 2025, Bethesda says.

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