Facebook is working on Snapchat competitor again

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Facebook is once again developing a software service that bears strong similarities to Snapchat. Unlike the previous times, no separate service is being developed, but the software has to be integrated into Facebook itself.

The new feature is not yet available to everyone as a test phase is still underway. Facebook users in Ireland have been chosen to test the new camera mode; they will find a new camera icon at the top of the Facebook application, reports Recode, among others. Once opened, users enter a photo and video mode where, among other things, filters can be applied, similar to how it works in Snapchat.

Users can send each other photos and videos taken with the new service; they then end up in a special inbox within Facebook. As a result, it is not necessary to use the Messenger chat application, which is also integrated into the social network. It is also possible to simply post the photos and videos on the timeline.

It is not the first time that Facebook is working on such software. Previously, the social networking site tried Poke and Slingshot, two separate apps that had to compete with Snapchat. However, both apps were not successful and therefore support has already been discontinued. By integrating the features into the social network itself, Facebook probably wants to ensure that more people start using it.

It is still unclear whether and when the Snapchat-like camera mode will be rolled out more widely. That probably depends on the test results in Ireland.

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