Facebook is testing newsfeed that only contains videos video

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Facebook is experimenting with a news feed that only includes videos. Because this is still a test, the functionality is not yet available to all users of the social network.

On its blog, the company behind the social networking site explains what it is doing. One of the new features that is being worked on is a separate news feed dedicated to videos, intended for the iPhone. At the bottom of the interface is a button that takes the user to the video feed.

The video feed is similar to the regular news feed; users can scroll through videos shared by friends or followed pages. The videos saved by the user are also shown in the video feed, and Facebook suggests videos that may be of interest to the user.

According to Facebook, the video feed is currently being tested among a small number of users. It is unclear when the test period will be completed and when the feature will be rolled out to other Facebook users and operating systems other than iOS. The introduction of a video feed fits in with the strategy of putting more emphasis on video sharing.

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