Facebook distances itself from CEO’s memo about growth at all costs

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Facebook Vice President Andrew Bosworth and Mark Zuckerberg have distanced themselves from a memo in which Bosworth appears to believe that any means of accelerating the growth of the social media platform is justified.

Bosworth has now responded to the memo, which the website Buzzfeed published. He says he disagreed with its contents at the time of writing the memo, and he still doesn’t. The CEO states that he wrote the memo only to bring this subject more attention and that it deserved more discussion. According to him, the memo was purely if provocation intended.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg also commented on the memo’s publication. According to him, Bosworth is an executive who says provocative things. Zuckerberg argues that he and most people at Facebook already disagreed at the time that the end justifies the means.

In the memo, Bosworth says Facebook believes so strongly in connecting people that anything that helps connect even more people is allowed. Bosworth also mentions that ‘all questionable importing practices of contacts’ are justified, or ‘all subtle language that helps people to remain findable’. He refers to these practices as ‘what we should probably do in China one day’.

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