Facebook considers measures against ‘antivax’ content

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Facebook would consider banning posts with anti-vaccine content from the social network. What exactly will happen is still unclear, but ‘antivax’ groups, among other things, should become less prominent on Facebook.

Facebook made this known in a statement emailed to Bloomberg news agency. That response comes after a request from an American politician, who says that tech companies must intervene when it comes to people or groups who spread medically inaccurate information on social media. That phenomenon is said to have contributed to a recent outbreak of measles in the United States, among other things.

In its response, Facebook said it was looking into the issue and considering additional measures to counter “antivax” content. This can include removing content, but also making groups that distribute or propagate such things less visible.

YouTube also recently announced that it will make conspiracy videos less visible on the site. Users should receive fewer recommendations from videos that outline such content.

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