Facebook and Gucci jointly sue seller of fake stuff
Facebook has filed a lawsuit against a seller of counterfeit goods. Facebook is doing this together with Gucci, because the person in question mainly sold fake stuff from the fashion brand online.
It is the first time that Gucci and Facebook have joined forces to tackle a seller of counterfeit goods. The two companies filed their lawsuits in California court on Tuesday.
According to Reuters, it is a person who uses multiple Facebook and Instagram accounts to sell counterfeit Gucci gear. It concerns handbags, shoes, and other items of clothing. Since the pandemic, sales have increased online and the sale of fake stuff via platforms such as Facebook has also increased.
Facebook is actively trying to remove the supply of fake stuff. In a statement to Reuters, the company said it had removed more than a million messages in the first half of 2020 that offered fake stuff. This involved fake stuff from various brands, including Gucci.