Epic removes police cars from Fortnite

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Fortnite no longer contains police cars, players have noticed. According to the American newspaper the Wall Street Journal, Epic has removed the police cars because of “sensitivities” but it is not intended as a political statement.

Until recently, many police cars could be found on the Fortnite map, but players have noticed that these have disappeared. Kotaku lists some comments on Reddit and Twitter from players who notice that there are no more police cars. In the Creative hub, police cars appear briefly, but then quickly turn into regular cars, according to players.

Epic itself has not yet provided an explanation for the disappearance of the police cars, but the Wall Street Journal has understood from the game maker that it does not want to make a political statement because of the protests against police brutality in the US, but is “trying to deal sensitively with matters where players have to deal with’. Players speculate that Epic may be trying to prevent shooting from police cars, which would spark controversy given the recent protests.

The disappearance of the police cars coincided with the arrival of Fortnite Chapter 2, Season 3, on June 17. That update caused the island to flood, but as the water recedes, more locations will become available and players will discover new ways to move around, according to Epic.

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