Epic extends PC crossplay overlay with shared friends list to consoles

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Epic has brought its crossplay overlay SDK to consoles. With the SDK, developers can enable ‘connected communities’ on PC and consoles, with, for example, one friends list and a crossplay invite system.

The crossplay overlay allows users to log in with an Epic Games account and should make online gaming more seamless. For example, the platform has a combined friends list from the different platforms that allows users to send crossplay game invites. Epic also promises a “consistent UX,” lets users link their platform account to an Epic account, and claims to add its own security tools on top of the platforms’ own security and privacy tools.

Epic released the first version of the crossplay SDK last June, then for Epic Games Store and Steam games. Now the feature is also available for Xbox, Switch and PlayStation. The SDK is a free part of Epic Online Services. Hundreds of games use it, Epic says. Developers must implement the new SDK parts in games themselves. It is unclear which games will support the new crossplay features.

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