Emulator PaRappa the Rapper Remastered Allows Running PSP Games on PS4

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The PlayStation 4 game PaRappa the Rapper Remastered runs on an integrated PlayStation Portable emulator. Developers are now using it to get other PSP games running on the PS4.

That PaRappa the Rapper Remastered is not based on a port but has its own emulator was discovered by members of the GBATemp forum. The only difference from the 2007 PSP version seems to be a 4k texture pack for high-resolution playback. Ars Technica writes about the find.

After the find, members of GBATemp got a small amount of other PSP games to work on the PlayStation 4 by using the emulator. One of the users has published an instructional video of the ‘PSP injection’. While they have had success with LocoRoco, Patapon, and Namco Museum, most of the games have failed to date.

In the meantime, they are working on a package injector, which should make testing PSP games on the PS4 easier. In addition, they are trying to do the same with LocoRoco 2 Remastered as with PaRappa.

PaRappa the Rapper is a rhythm game that appeared for the Playstation in 1996 and which aims to rap as well as possible by pressing the right buttons to the beat of the music.

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