DuckDuckGo lets users chat anonymously with AI chatbots

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Search engine DuckDuckGo has added a feature that lets users chat anonymously with AI chatbots such as ChatGPT 3.5 and Claude 3. The conversations are anonymous and the data is not used to train LLMs.

The chatbots currently available through the feature are GPT 3.5 Turbo, Claude 3 Haiku, Meta Llama 3 and Mixtral 8x7B, writes DuckDuckGo. The function can be found in the menu on the right side of the search engine under the heading AI Chat. DuckDuckGo says it connects to the chatbots via the developer's IP address. In this way, the user's privacy is guaranteed, the search engine claims. If the user wants to clear the contents of the conversation, he can click on the fire icon to the left of the entry.

DuckDuckGo says the feature is free to use, but there is a daily limit. It is not clear what that limit is. The search engine may want to offer a paid version of the function in the future where use is less limited or unlimited.

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