Download Driver For Omega Catalyst 2.6.53

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Angel Trinidad just released new Omega drives for ATi Radeon video cards and assigned them version number 2.6.53. The Omega drives are the most popular custom ATi drivers, which is reflected in the fact that the website is a bit slow at the moment. The drives are based on the recently released version 5.7 of ATi’s Catalyst drivers and also include a modified version of ATi Tray Tools. The changelog for this release looks like this:

What’s New in Omega Drivers?

  • Version number 2.6.53
  • Based on the Catalyst 5.7 Official drivers.
  • Added new installation option to load ATT at startup.
  • Added some custom profiles at different quality settings for ATT.

What’s new for ATI Tray Tools?

  • Version number
  • Added new options into Game Profiles. Direct3D9 tweaks. Using these tweaks you can override some hardware information about your video board.
  • Added support for SMARTGART. Look in “Hardware” menu. (SMARTGART service must be installed and enabled!)
  • Added 5 new hotkeys for manual overclocking GPU and Memory by 1 step up or down.
  • Added new tweaks databases Video Acceleration settings and Display Tweaks.
  • Added Default buttons for Standard Tweaks window, Direct3D and OpenGL Tweaks.
  • Added options to execute applications when entering 3D mode and when leaving it.
  • Updated Shared Memory. Now FPS counter is included in global ATT Shared Memory.
  • Improved command line support. Added command line options:
    • /LD3D [name of profile] – load Direct3D (or 3D in Control Center mode) profile
    • /LDGL [name of profile] – load OpenGL profile
    • /LDOV [name of profile] – load Overclocking profile
    • /LDTV [name of profile] – load Display/TV profile
    • /LDGP /LOADGAME [name of profile] – load Game Profile (If ATT is already started /EXIT command line parameter has no effect)
    • /RSTCLK – reset clocks to default values
    • /EXIT – Exit from ATT
  • Fixed bug when TV Properties Tab doesn’t visible with extended desktop mode. Now TV Options will be accessible all times, even if you don’t have TV attached to the board.
  • Updated screenshot system. Added support for JPG/PNG file creating. Screenshot without active game always will be saved as BMP.
  • Fixed broken support for temperature monitoring and fan control for ASUS 9800XT boards.
  • Improved OSD rendering in situation when game clipped part of screen with ViewPort.
  • Fixed error with hotkeys (Hide/Show FPS/FlashOSD)
  • Updated Advanced Tweaks editor
  • Updated “No overclocking” mode. If you Radeon doesn’t supported by ATI Tray Tools (IGP series) you can disable all overclocking functions in atitray.ini. Set opt_disable_ovr value to 1. In this mode all modules depended on GPU and Memory clocks will be disabled. For example Overclocking, hardware monitoring, Auto 2d/3d Overclocking and so on. But you still can use all other functions!
  • Fixed wrong OSD color calculation for some old Direct3D (D3D 7/6/5) games.

Note: Since these drivers include a non-standard version of ATT, I would recommend that if you have any previous version of ATT installed, please uninstall it before installing these drivers, not doing so may cause unknown problems.

Note2: Please don’t email telling me there are a few references about the old CP on the site, I’m aware of this and will update as soon as I can.

Version number 2.6.53
Operating systems Windows 2000, Windows XP
Website Omega Drivers
License type Freeware
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