Dontnod: Publishers didn’t want a female protagonist in Life is Strange

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One of the developers of the game Life is Strange claims that only Square Enix has wanted to work with Dontnod without making any changes to the game. Several publishers would have struggled with the concept because the main character in the game is female.

The player takes on the role of a female protagonist in Life of Strange. A developer of Dontnod says in its own video that several publishers have pushed for a male lead character. Square Enix has reportedly been the only one who has not wanted to change the concept of the game and has not expressed any reservations.

Joystiq also refers to the game Remember Me, which was also developed by Dontnod. A similar situation has arisen with that project. At the time, various studios would have indicated that only a male lead character would be successful. Ultimately, Capcom distributed the game. Still, female characters are more common in games. For example, in the second season of The Walking Dead, the gamer plays as a young girl, and in Bayonetta, the game is played as a witch.

Life is Strange is out for PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, and PC. The required specifications for the PC version were also recently announced. The PC must have at least a dual-core processor of 2GHz in combination with 2GB of RAM. Dontnod says that at least a video card with 512MB RAM is required. The game also requires 3GB of storage and runs on Windows Vista and later versions.

The first episode is scheduled to be released on January 30. There will be a total of five episodes, which will be released gradually by Square Enix. Episodes can be purchased individually, but it is also possible to buy all episodes as a package.

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