DNS Leak Shows North Korea Has 28 .kp Sites
A dns leak shows that there are 28 sites with a North Korean top level domain. The number came to light after a country name server was accidentally configured to establish global DNS connections.
This was discovered by Matt Bryant, a security engineer who accidentally found the error “because he always scans all the world’s DNS servers for errors.” He calls himself a “nerd obsessed with DNS” in an interview with Motherboard.
Bryant posted the entire list on his GitHub page where he also explains how he collected the data. A copy of a country’s top-level domain data can be obtained via an afxr request to name servers. Every two hours an attempt is made from the TLDR project to look at a name server, which was successful on Tuesday.
The data shows that the country has only 28 websites under tld .kp, including those of an airline, some sort of social network, a newspaper, a cooking site and a film fund.