Discord may lower Nvidia card memory clock speed due to bug

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Chatapp Discord may lower the clock speed of memory in those cards due to a bug in the software of certain Nvidia cards. Nvidia acknowledges the problem and promises to come up with an update at a later date.

If users have Discord open, the memory of certain video cards can be 200MHz lower, says Nvidia. An update that solves the problem will follow later, but Nvidia already offers a fix for those who want to solve it themselves. Through GeForce 3D Profile Manager it is possible to add the value ‘Setting ID_0x50166c5e = 0x00000000’ to the profile for Discord, after which the memory can run at maximum speed again.

Users reported the bug since a few days and it seems to mainly concern cards from the RTX2000 and 3000 series. Users of the new RTX4000 series cards don’t seem to have any problems. It is unknown how the problem could have arisen, but it is probably due to an update for Discord that enables AV1 streaming on RTX4000 cards. Due to the lower clock speed of the memory, users experience performance issues in games, if Discord is open at the same time. That happens often, because many people use Discord to chat while gaming.

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