Director Warcraft makes new animated film in Unreal Engine 5

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Duncan Jones, the director of films such as Warcraft, Moon and Source Code, has made an animated film in Unreal Engine 5 called Rogue Trooper. According to one of the producers, a high standard of animation work can still be achieved in UE5 with a limited budget.

Artwork Rogue Trooper film by Duncan Jones

Rogue Trooper is based on a comic book series by authors Gerry Finley-Day and Dave Gibbons that has been running since 1981. In Duncan Jones’ film, viewers are shown the story of Character 19: a soldier who is the only one to survive a large-scale attack. Desiring retribution, the main character is joined on his quest for revenge by three teammates who were killed in the fighting but whose personalities are stored in Character 19’s accessories. It is according to Gamespot It is not clear when the animated film will be shown.

It is not the first time that Unreal Engine 5 has been used for the production of films or series. The software became according to Epic has already been used in more than five hundred different productions, including The Matrix Resurrections, The Lion King and Love, Death + Robots.

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