DigiD cannot be downloaded on devices with Android 11
The DigiD app still works on Android 11, but can no longer be downloaded from the Play Store for users with that operating system. Also, updating the app does not work. It is said to be a problem with signing a certificate.
The government warns on the DigiD site only that the app cannot be downloaded on Android 11. Logius, the government agency that manages DigiD, says it is working on a solution. A spokesperson expects that it will not be long in coming, but is not yet able to give a forecast of when the app can be downloaded again.
The app can no longer be downloaded from the Play Store. Users who have already downloaded the app can still use it. They will see a pop-up stating that an update for the app is available, but they cannot update the app in the Play Store. According to a spokesperson for Logius, this is a problem with a certificate that has not been signed or is incorrectly signed. That is why the app can still be used as usual.