DigiD app no ​​longer supports devices with Android version older than 6.0

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The DigiD Android app will no longer be supported from February for phones or tablets that run on an older version than Android 6.0. This is evident from a new version of the DigiD app that has been released in the Play Store.

According to the information in the Play Store, it concerns version 1.4.1 of the DigiD app, which was updated on Monday. Support for this app will disappear from February for devices running an older version than Android 6.0 Marshmallow. It is not clear exactly when the support will end, but that will probably be the case from the beginning of February.

If the statistics of the company StatCounter are kept, it appears that a relatively small number of users are still using an Android device with versions that came before Android Marshmallow. In December 2018, Android 5.1 still had a share of 5.6 percent of the Android market. Android 4.4 had a share of 3.45 percent and version 5.0 accounted for 2.63 percent. Android 7.0 and all newer versions that came after are collectively by far the most dominant at about 75 percent.

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