Development studio behind original Stalker series working on new game

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The development studio GSC Game World is going back into business and is already working on a title. The company’s new project behind the original Stalker range has an older style and is aimed at their old audience: people from 25 to 40 years old.

A GSC spokeswoman announced the game in an interview with Game Industry. Some details about the new game are already given in the article. The studio from Ukraine says it focuses on a relatively older audience of about 25 to 40 years old. They would be less interested in a game that is free-to-play and GSC will therefore market the game for a ‘normal’ price. One of the goals of the company is to win back part of the old public.

In 2011, the curtain fell for GSC and the development of Stalker 2 was also discontinued. In the interview, the spokeswoman also provided more information about that decision. There would have been several problems. For example, Stalker 2 was still in development, but the game could not meet its own expectations. The project also took so much time that according to GSC the game was already outdated by the time the title was actually released.

In addition, GSC has also responded to West Games, the studio that claimed to be making the successor to Stalker. According to GSC, the developers have not worked on Stalker at all. However, they would have used many ideas from Stalker for a browser game. Recently, West Games announced the game Stalker Apocalypse.

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