Developers create programming language for swarm robots

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Developers from Canada have come up with a programming language specifically for robots that function within a ‘swarm’. What is special about Buzz is that the behavior of the robots can be determined both ‘bottom-up’ and ‘top-down’.

The programming language, which is on Github, relies heavily on well-known programming languages, such as Javascript, Python and Lua. That way, the learning curve to learn the language is short, Robohub writes. The Buzz runtime is designed to take up only 12kB. The runtime can be connected to other frameworks, such as the Robot Operating System.

The ability to express the algorithms both bottom-up and top-down allows developers to code complex autonomous swarm behavior in a compact manner. The developers hope to become an important part of future swarm robotics in the real world.

In addition to the well-known elements, such as loops and jump-tables, there are also certain elements in the language that are specifically intended for controlling swarms. One such element is the so-called swarm element, which allows developers to split the robots into different groups and assign them a specific task. Swarms can thus be formed, separated or dynamically modified.

Another element is the neighbor construct. This construct controls the place a robot occupies within the swarm and the location where the swarm is located. For example, signals can be passed on to avoid obstacles or to follow a leader.

In addition, the programming language also makes it possible to subject entire robot swarms to virtual stigma. Stimergie is a term from biology and means that there is indirect interaction and cooperation between the different players within an environment or the intended platform.

Future goals of the developers include integrating the runtime into various robot platforms and setting up a library of known swarm behavior.

The video shows Spiri robots that have to detect objects

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