Developer Total War: Pharaoh apologizes, returns part of purchase price

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Creative Assembly will automatically refund one-third of the original purchase price of Total War: Pharaoh to customers. To compensate disappointed fans, the developer is releasing a free DLC pack and DLC for Warhammer III is being supplemented and postponed.

Vice President Roger Collum offers in a blog post On behalf of Creative Assembly, we apologize profusely for the disappointment of fans surrounding Total War: Pharaoh and the recent Shadows of Change DLC for Total War: Warhammer III. According to Collum, the releases did not meet the expectations and quality requirements of fans.

In line with this, the British company will automatically give customers who purchased Total War: Pharaoh for the original purchase price of 60 euros 20 euros back via Steam. The new purchase price of the game is 40 euros and the Deluxe and Dynasty editions of the game are no longer available. The company promises to release a free DLC pack in early 2024 that would originally cost money. This pack introduces, among other things, a larger campaign map and more factions and cultures.

Furthermore, the British developer is postponing the Total War: Warhammer III DLC Thrones of Decay from the end of this year until April 2024. According to Collum, the first DLC package did not offer enough content and an additional update for Shadows of Change will be released in February 2024 . The developer will need longer to complete the next DLC.

Total War: Pharaoh was released in October this year, after which the game was criticized due to the limited amount of content. The Total War: Warhammer III DLC Shadows of Change from August 2023 also received a lot of criticism because of too high a price and too little content.

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