Developer puts hack for Nintendo Wii Mini online

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A developer has posted a hack for the Wii Mini online. The Wii Mini has no internet and no SD card slot, so previous Wii hacks didn’t work. The new hack works through a vulnerability in bluetooth.

The exploit is called Bluebomb and is on GitHub. Installing the exploit requires a Linux machine, the description shows. The hack takes advantage of an outdated feature in BlueZ and a vulnerability in the Broadcom chip inside the Wii Mini for bluetooth. That bluetooth connection is necessary for the WiiMotes and users must therefore disconnect it.

The hack makes it possible to put Homebrew Channel on the Wii Mini, allowing users to run software created by other users. The Wii Mini hadn’t been cracked until now. Nintendo released the console in the Benelux in March 2013. It is a small variant of the Wii released in 2006, where Nintendo has removed Wi-Fi and the SD card slot, among other things.

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