Developer is working on backup for save games on Nintendo Switch

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A developer is testing a program to back up save games on the Nintendo Switch. This is not possible by default, so gamers will lose their progress if they reset their console.

Computer engineer Bernardo Giordano will put the save game backup application on his Github later this year, Kotaku reports. Giordano does not say how users can back up their progress, but it probably works with an SD card. This is also the case with Checkpoint, a similar program that the developer made for the Nintendo 3DS.

Prototyping Checkpoint for the Switch took about two weeks, Giordano said. He has now distributed a beta version of the program to testers and well-known Switch developers to fix bugs before a public release. In addition, not everyone will be able to install it just like that: it will probably require a modified firmware.

The Switch does not support backup of save games by default. As a result, players lose their progression in games if they lose the console or reset their console. Nintendo hasn’t responded yet, but doesn’t seem to plan to build this feature into the Switch itself. The Japanese company released its latest console just over a year ago.

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