Default javascript 6 is ready

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The General Assembly of Ecma International has approved ECMAScript 2015, better known as javascript 6. Ecma International also indicates that from now on it wants to provide smaller updates to javascript every year.

Javascript 6 is a significant update from ECMAScript 5.1, which came out four years ago. For example, the specification description of the programming language has grown from 245 to almost 600 pages. ECMAScript 2015 introduces modules and classes, as well as maps, generators, and sets, among others. According to the makers, these features should make programming javascript easier and more efficient.

Despite the large number of innovations, the new javascript version is backward compatible with previous versions. Furthermore, Ecma International promises to ensure that the development of the language runs smoothly, from now on with annual updates. However, many browsers have yet to adapt their javascript engine to accommodate the new edition of the programming language, although tools are available to convert ECMAScript 2015 code to javascript 5.

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