Deepcool is on a US sanctions list due to deliveries to Russia

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Hardware manufacturer Deepcool is on a sanctions list of the US Department of State. According to the ministry, the company has supplied goods worth $1 million to the Russian war industry.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced on Wednesday a list published showing seven Chinese manufacturers, including Deepcool. Since the start of the war in Ukraine in February 2022, the United States has stricter laws regarding the supply of goods to Russia and the Russian war industry, including computer parts.

Deepcool failed to comply with the laws by supplying $1 million worth of parts to Russia, the ministry says. “We are concerned about the volume of exports of goods from the People's Republic of China. Russia repeatedly tries to circumvent sanctions to purchase components such as microelectronics, which are used to make weapons.”

Other companies and individuals on the list have ties to Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko. Sanctions are also being imposed on companies from, among others, the United Arab Emirates, Turkey and Moldova.

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