Crypto chat app Signal replaces TextSecure and RedPhone on Android

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Signal is offered as an update to the existing Android chat app TextSecure and replaces the calling app RedPhone. Together, these apps performed the same function as Signal, which until now was only available for iOS.

This is reported by the maker Open Whisper Systems on his blog. The company has decided to make the update to make it easier to use the app. Until now, Android users could use TextSecure for encrypted chatting and RedPhone for encrypted calling. Signal combines these features into an app, making it easier for users to use secure communications. In use, the app is no different than a regular calling or chat app.

Open Whisper Systems was founded by Moxie Marlinspike, a well-known figure in the world of cryptography. In 2014, he partnered with WhatsApp to implement end-to-end encryption. WhatsApp is still closed source, however, while Signal’s source code is available on GitHub. This makes it possible for anyone with sufficient knowledge to check and contribute to the source code. Developing crypto chat apps open source contributes to their security and reliability. Whistleblower Edward Snowden leaves via Twitter know that he uses Signal on a daily basis.

Signal uses end-to-end encryption, which means that information is encrypted by the sender and can only be read by the receiver. It uses the TextSecure protocol for messages with deniability and forward secrecy. This means, among other things, that it cannot be proven that an unencrypted message exists and that a cracked key does not lead to previous messages being readable. No third party services are used. The fact that Signal uses end-to-end encryption does not mean that communication is 100 percent secure. It is only as secure as the device used for that communication.

Updating from TextSecure to Signal is easy. After a quick update of the database, you can immediately start calling or chatting. There is no need to import contacts again or create encryption keys.

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