Criminals may steal millions of credit card details from Staples

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Staples has discovered that criminals have stolen credit card information from 115 brick-and-mortar stores across the United States. In total, the data of more than a million credit cards may have been stolen, according to research.

The credit card theft was discovered in late September and announced by Staples in October. An investigation by security experts shows that a total of 115 stores in the United States have been affected by malware on payment terminals, the retail chain itself has announced. This malware was able to intercept credit card information.

In total, the data of possibly 1.16 million customers has been stolen. That number is based on the transactions registered in the affected stores at the time the malware was installed on the payment terminals. Staples has put online a list of the affected stores and the dates on which the malware was on the payment terminals.

Customers who believe they have been affected by the theft are urged to check their credit card charges. Staples said nothing about the possible perpetrators.

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