Creators Back 4 Blood ‘watching’ options enable progression in solo mode

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Anyone who enters solo mode in the upcoming co-op zombie shooter Back 4 Blood will see a message that many functions, such as achievements, getting supply points and stat tracking, are not working. Players are dissatisfied with that and the developer says they are looking at the options.

Game developer Turtle Rock say on Twitter that “players’ frustrations have been heard” and that they are looking at “ways to address this issue.” Substantive news on this matter should follow later, when the studio has “potential ways to make it happen.”

According to screenshots on the web taken during the game’s beta, there are several features that don’t work in solo mode: the decks you build for co-op, supply points, stat tracking, and achievements. In addition, levels and goals within those levels are ‘adjusted’. In particular, the lack of supply points is problematic for players, as they unlock new cards and special abilities. Reddit is very critical of this aspect of the game.

Back 4 Blood is made by Turtle Rock, a studio founded by game makers who also worked on Left 4 Dead and its sequel at Valve years ago. Another game from the studio is Evolve, an asymmetric multiplayer game that was unsuccessful despite a free-to-play relaunch.

Back 4 Blood is very similar to Left 4 Dead, but there are differences. The biggest of these is the card system; players build a deck of cards that give them certain bonuses. This includes stamina, ammunition, reload time, damage and the like. The zombie enemies also receive cards as a team, which improve their powers in specific ways and thus offer more variety to the game. Other than that, the goal of the game is the same: cross the levels and reach the safe house as a team. The game will be released on October 12 for Windows and current and previous generation Xbox and PlayStation.

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