Consumer panel: fewer iPhone users have the latest model

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Fewer iPhone users than last year have the latest model, according to research by Mixpanel, a company that keeps track of statistics. That’s another indication that the latest iPhones aren’t selling as well as Apple had hoped.

1.5 percent of iPhone users now own an iPhone XR, 9to5Mac reports based on figures from Mixpanel. Five weeks after release, the iPhone 8 and 8 Plus, which were around the same price range around release, were at about 3.6 percent. The iPhone XS and XS Max combined are now, about two months after release, at about 5 percent, where the iPhone X was at about 7 percent after that period.

Apple has only recently said that the iPhone XR is currently the fastest-selling iPhone since its release at the end of October, but is not giving any further figures. Mixpanel’s numbers support that claim.

It’s not the first indication that sales of the XS, XS Max and XR are lagging behind previous generations of iPhones. For example, Apple is marketing more trade-in deals this year, in order to be able to advertise with a lower price for iPhones in the United States, Bloomberg reports. Apple store employees also send more. In addition, the turnover at various suppliers was disappointing, and they all gave the reason that a large customer had placed fewer orders than that customer had expected.

Apple will no longer be releasing product delivery figures for the coming quarterly figures, making figures like this one that the public should read about how sales of new iPhones are doing.

Look back: video review iPhone XR

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