Composer Duke Nukem 3D Soundtrack Sues Gearbox and Valve

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Bobby Prince, the composer of the Duke Nukem 3D soundtrack, has sued Gearbox and Valve. He does this because he believes the two companies used the music without permission in the 2016 reissue of Duke Nukem 3D.

Prince says he has contacted Randy Pitchford, the CEO of Gearbox, with a request to receive royalties for the use of the soundtrack. At the time, he was told he would receive these royalties, but he never received any money from the developer. He also contacted Valve, as that company distributes the game. Despite Prince’s request, Valve continued to offer the game in its digital store. Gearbox and Valve have 21 days to respond to the complaint.

In the indictment, Prince alleges that sixteen of his pieces of music were used in 1996 in Duke Nukem 3D, pursuant to an agreement with developer Apogee. Apogee paid Prince one dollar per game sold for the use of the music. Prince owns the copyrights to the music.

Gearbox Software bought some rights to the Duke Nukem series from Apogee in 2010. According to Prince, his music does not fall under this. Despite this, Gearbox used its soundtrack in Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary World Tour. According to Prince, the game studio has not contacted him about this.

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