Company Releases Lemmings Version for HoloLens

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A Canadian company has released HoloLems. Wearers of the HoloLens augmented reality glasses have to use the application to guide green-haired lemmings through their home and let them defy obstacles such as benches and tables.

The Canadian company Globacore calls HoloLems a tribute to the game Lemmings from the 1990s. In that game, the player had to lead the animals alive to the exit by assigning them functions such as builder, stopper, digger and so on.

HoloLems works on the same principle, but the course that the lemmings have to follow can be determined by the view of the wearer of a HoloLens. For example, the user has to build bridges and stairs to prevent them from falling from tables and cupboards. The distribution of tasks is done by voice commands. For now, those commands are limited to Blocker Left, Blocker Right, Build Bridge, Build Stairs, and New Scan.

HoloLems can be found in the Windows Store.

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