Cloudflare is working on email security tools

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Cloudflare is developing tools to counter email-related threats. These functions should help against spoofing and phishing, among other things. The features will be available to Cloudflare customers at no additional cost.

Cloudflare announces two tools that should help customers with their email use. The first, called Email Security DNS Wizard, aims to better protect businesses against phishing and spam emails. This allows companies to easily create DNS records for functions such as spf and dkim, according to Cloudflare, in order to “ensure” that their mail domain is safe.

Creating these DNS records should prevent scammers from spoofing the email domain and sending emails in someone else’s name. With this tool, Cloudflare also promises to warn if there are still potential holes in the user’s email security.

The other tool, Email Routing, is for small businesses to create a custom email domain through Cloudflare. The mails sent to e-mail addresses with this domain name are forwarded to the user’s private inbox via the function. According to Cloudflare, this tool ensures that small businesses that don’t have a ‘real’ business email address with their own email domain can still appear professional to customers.

Cloudflare aims to release these and more unannounced tools in one package that is free to Cloudflare customers. When the package will be released has not been announced, but it is currently possible for customers to sign up for an early access version.

The company is also improving security in other parts of the internet. For example, Cloudflare is trying to ensure that captchas are replaced by other authentication methods, such as physical security keys, because they are more user- and privacy-friendly, according to the company.

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