Chrome removes ‘safe’ designation in address bar at https sites

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Websites that use an https connection will no longer be labeled “secure” in Chrome version 69 from September. The green word ‘safe’ or ‘secure’ will disappear in the address bar.

Google reports that the “secure” designation is being removed, because users of websites that support an https connection can expect it to be secure by default. If there is a security issue, users will be notified.

Websites that do not yet use https will be indicated in the address bar with the red text ‘not secure’ from October in Chrome 70. Google has not done this before, because, according to the company, http has been used too much until now.

Google has been working for years to get websites to switch to secure https connections. Back in 2014, the company announced its plan to mark non-https connections as “insecure.”

How websites that use HTTP are identified in Chrome 70.

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