China announces import rules for consoles and games

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The Chinese government has released the conditions that console games must meet before they can be produced or sold in the country. Games that incite violence, drug use, profanity and gambling are excluded from import.

The Chinese government has published the preconditions, after which the editors of Games In Asia have translated and interpreted it. Foreign companies are allowed to manufacture and sell consoles in China, but they must work with a local partner within the so-called Shanghai Free Trade Zone. In addition, the games must be approved by the ‘responsible culture department’. In this case, that would be the culture department of the local government and not the national ministry of culture, which Games In Asia says is much stricter than the administrators in Shanghai.

The rules aren’t overly specific, suggesting that the country is trying to control which games are allowed and which aren’t. However, games that are not approved would receive a clear explanation as to why they were rejected. In addition, the inspection process will not take longer than twenty days.

In addition to violence, drug use, foul language and gambling, there are a number of other things that are unacceptable according to China. Mentioned are cases that violate China’s constitution, violate the rights of others, harm Chinese culture and traditions, promote hate speech, superstitions and cults, and cases of discrimination. Finally, ‘content that breaks the law’ is mentioned. In addition to games, DLC must also be individually approved, and console games are required to have a version in Simplified Chinese. It is not known exactly when imports into China can start.

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