Center for Cybersecurity Belgium calls on not to attack Russia online
The Center for Cyber Security Belgium calls on Belgian hackers and IT professionals not to carry out cyber attacks on Russian targets. This could provoke an eventual much more serious counterattack.
The Belgian cyber supervisor is thus calling on specifically to ignore a request from Ukraine, if says the CCB to HLN. The advisory body argues that Belgian hackers and other cyber experts could do little against the Russian regime; cyber-attacks on Russia would only allow the Russians to “justify much more serious counter-attacks.”
The Center for Cyber Security Belgium reports: “We hear Belgian hackers announce that they are going to bomb Russian websites with DDOs attacks. The ‘hacktivist group’ Anonymous also announces attacks on the Russian regime. We certainly do not want to encourage this. Hacking is illegal and the like. attacks are probably just pinpricks for the Russian regime.”
Since the concrete threat from Russian troops to the sovereignty of Ukraine, various cyber attacks have been discussed. The international hacker collective Anonymous, among others, is said to have carried out targeted DDoS attacks on Russian government sites. According to the Center for Cyber Security Belgium, such attacks would provoke a possible counter-attack by Russian hackers, for example on the ‘critical infrastructure’ of a country in question.