Capcom Shows Sci-Fi Game Pragmata Coming to Consoles and PC in 202222
Capcom has shown a trailer of Pragmata, a new game that is due to be released in 2022. The video shows a man in a spacesuit on the deserted streets of New York, who appears to have special powers.
Capcom has not yet released any details about Pragmata. Judging by the trailer, the world seems to have gone corrupt. The player has a device with which a kind of holograms can be summoned, presumably to view the past.
According to a post on the Xbox website, Pragmata is an action-adventure game and Capcom wants to make the game one of its main brands. That could indicate that the publisher wants to make it a series. The game should be released in 2022 for the PlayStation 5 and the Xbox Series X. A PC version will be released via Steam.