Capcom Releases PC Version of Monster Hunter Rise on January 12th

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Monster Hunter Rise is getting a PC version on January 12, which will be available via Steam. A demo of the PC version will also be available on October 13. The game was released exclusively for the Nintendo Switch last March.

The PC version supports 4k and 21:9 resolutions, gets high-res textures on enemies and characters, for example, and can run at higher frame rates than the Switch version. Capcom also says it has optimized the game for mouse and keyboard and added a voice chat. The rest of the game content will be the same as the Switch version until the November update.

The action RPG was released for the Nintendo Switch in March and proved to be popular. Capcom had already indicated that a PC version would be released in early 2022, but then gave no further details. It is the first Monster Hunter game to run on the RE Engine, known from the Resident Evil games.

The PC version will cost sixty euros. The Sunbreak DLC will be released in the summer of 2022 for both consoles and PC. This will include extra environments, a new storyline, new gameplay and more monsters.

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