Capcom Examines Resident Evil Village PC Version Performance by DRM – Update

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Capcom says it’s currently looking into Resident Evil Village’s reported PC performance issues. Digital Foundry confirms previous reports that a pirated version without Capcom ‘s digital rights management will not suffer from hiccups.

In a brief update, PC Gamer cites a Capcom spokesperson who says the game company is investigating the reports. Further details on this are still unknown. For example, it remains unclear what Capcom will do about the problem of stutters and hitches in the official version of Resident Evil Village and when the company will come up with a solution for those problems.

Several days ago, there were mixed reports from PC gamers regarding Resident Evil Village’s performance. Some were unaffected, while others experienced frequent stuttering and slumping framerates. This would occur during movies, in the market part of the village, but also during boss fights if, for example, many flies come into view.

Empress, a player known for removing DRM from games, put a cracked version of Resident Evil Village online. She attributes the performance issues to the DRM deployed by Capcom, specifically Denuvo V11 and Capcom’s anti-tamper V3, Dark Side of Gaming previously wrote . According to her, all stutters in her version have disappeared, because the DRM has been patched out. Digital Foundry confirms that the cracked version largely solves the problems.

Update, 3:16 PM : Capcom has now informed Eurogamer that a patch is in the works to address the PC performance issues. This patch should be available soon. Capcom is not giving more details yet.

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