British police arrest teen for DDO attacks on Xbox Live and PSN

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British police have arrested a teenager for allegedly participating in the DDoS attacks on Xbox Live and the PlayStation Network over the past Christmas season. The 18-year-old boy is also said to have made death threats.

The suspect was arrested in Southport, a town north of Liverpool. British police say they have cooperated closely with the American FBI in investigating the 18-year-old boy. Equipment was also seized when the suspect was arrested.

According to British police, the teenager is suspected of having participated in the large-scale DDO attacks on Xbox Live and the PlayStation Network during the Christmas season. The attacks were claimed by members of the Lizard Squad and resulted in gamers not being able to log in to the two internet services or with great difficulty.

A first suspect was arrested earlier this month. The Southport suspect is also said to have been guilty of making death threats and of swatting, a US criminal offense in which a person passes false information online to authorities, with the aim of mobilizing government services.

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