British National Crime Agency to endure Ddos attack by Lizard Squad

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The UK’s National Crime Agency website has been offline for two hours due to a DDO attack. Lizard Squad, the hacker group the NCA is looking for, is likely behind the attack, according to a tweet.

The attack left the National Crime Agency website down for two hours. Shortly after the attack launched, Lizard Squad tweeted about the problems the NCA was experiencing. Lizard Squad probably claims responsibility for the attack.

Stressed out? #offline

— Lizard Squad (@LizardLands) September 1, 2015

The attack comes shortly after news that the NCA has arrested six teens for allegedly using the Lizard Stresser tool, which was made by Lizard Squad. With the tool, malicious parties can use a botnet of insecure home routers to carry out a DDO attack against, for example, a website. According to the NCA, the tool has been used against a national English newspaper, a school, game companies and several online stores.

Lizard Squad itself is responsible for the ddos ​​attacks on Xbox Live and PlayStation Network during the Christmas season of 2014, which were intended as advertisements for the Lizard Stresser tool. As a result of those attacks, the servers of Microsoft and Sony were unavailable for several days, especially on the days when the services are used particularly heavily. One of the Lizard Squad members, Finnish teenager Julius Kivimäki, was sentenced in July by a Finnish court to a two-year suspended prison sentence for his part in the attacks. No further arrests have been made.

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