Borderlands 3 gets hotfix on PC for some progress storage issues

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Publisher 2K Games has released a hotfix that should address part of the unsaved progression issue for the PC version of Borderlands 3. This would fix a bug with cloud saves and if more than one device is used.

On a support page from Epic Games, the company behind the Epic Games Store where the PC version of Borderlands 3 is sold exclusively, 2K Games and Gearbox write that problems can arise if a player plays the game on, for example, two different devices. According to the publisher, this is the situation where the game is played offline on one device A or cloud saves are not enabled. If device B is then played online, the saved progression of device A may not have been transferred. If the game is then closed and then Borderlands 3 on device A is restarted to play online, an empty profile from device B is retrieved. Once that happens, a pop-up window should appear to resolve the conflict of the different cloud storage sessions.

2K Games recommends that players choose the latest save file at this pop-up to avoid data loss. Choosing the wrong one can lead to lost and irreversible progression, according to the publisher. The hotfix specifically affects this pop-up window. In some cases, this window did not appear. The bug that 2K Games said was responsible for this should be fixed by the hotfix. The problem of cloud storage files being overwritten does not seem to have been completely solved by this. The companies apologize for the problems.

In addition to the problems with save files, there are also complaints about performance problems with Borderlands 3, which are common on both PC and consoles. This includes stuttering and frame drops.

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