Bloomberg: Apple is working on socs with 32 CPU cores and 128 GPU cores

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Apple is working on its own SOCs with 32 large CPU cores and 128 GPU cores, reports Bloomberg financial news agency. The current Apple M1 has eight CPU and eight GPU cores. That soc with a lot of cores is meant for a Mac Pro that should be released in two years.

That Mac Pro is half the size of the current model, Bloomberg reports based on anonymous sources. The financial news agency has been reporting reliable information on unannounced Apple projects for years and has an almost flawless track record in Apple information. The current Mac Pro has a maximum of a 28-core Intel Xeon CPU.

Before that happens, there is yet to come a soc with a 16-core CPU, of which Apple will probably enable eight or twelve upon release. In all those cases it concerns the big cores in the big.LITTLE setup; all socs also have four fuel-efficient cores for lighter tasks.

The current M1 is in the cheapest Mac products: the Mac Mini, MacBook Air and the MacBook Pro variant with two Thunderbolt ports. Apple previously said it wants to complete the transition from Intel to ARM within two years. Apple has not responded to the Bloomberg article.

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