Blizzard Releases Hearthstone Expansion Saviors of Uldum August 6

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Blizzard Entertainment has announced that Saviors of Uldum, the latest expansion for the online card game Hearthstone, will be available on August 6. Saviors of Uldum picks up where the previous part ended and introduces 135 new cards in addition to new Hero Powers.

Saviors of Uldum is the second chapter of The Year of the Dragon, a one-year storyline in which Blizzard regularly releases new expansions for Hearthstone. This part is the sequel to Rise of Shadows and to the solo adventure The Dalaran Heist.

In Saviors of Uldum, players join the League of Explorers, a group of treasure hunters made up of out-of-the-ordinary heroes. They take on the League of EVIL, which has weapons like plague cards, board sweeping effects and the Reborn; mummified minions. To defeat the villains, the player must complete new missions and gain powerful Hero Powers.

Card decks from Saviors of Uldum can be won in Hearthstone Arena mode starting August 6, or purchased with in-game gold or real money. Players can pre-order the cards starting Tuesday in two different bundles. The 50 card pack includes a random Legendary card and the Elise Starseeker back, the 80 card pack Mega Bundle features the new playable Elise Starseeker Druid Hero character. The bundles cost 50 and 80 euros respectively.

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