Blizzard gives players shipyard in World of Warcraft

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Blizzard has released the patch notes for the next major update to World of Warcraft and it appears that the game will get a new zone and a new Raid. In addition, players can expand their Garrison with a shipyard.

Blizzard will not announce when patch 6.2 will be released, but what World of Warcraft players can expect from the update. In addition to the usual minor changes to quests and classes, the update includes three major additions to the game. For example, after the update has gone live, players can enter a new zone: the Tanaan Jungle. In addition, the game gets a new Raid in the form of Hellfire Citadel, which can be found in the heart of the Tanaan Jungle. The citadel contains 13 bosses, including old acquaintances such as Kilrogg Deadeye, Gorefiend, Mannoroth and Archimonde.

Blizzard also adds a new level of difficulty to the various dungeons in the game with patch 6.2. The dungeons in the Draenor continent, the continent added to the game with the latest Warlords of Draenor expansion, can now be played on Mythic. At that level, equipment items are available in the dungeons from item level 680 to 700.

Finally, patch 6.2 adds a new option to the Garrison that players can build since Warlords of Draenor. If you have upgraded your Garrison to level 3, you can expand it with a shipyard. The ships that players can build there can be used for the new Naval Missions that can be carried out from the Garrison. A shipyard is additionally required to access the Tanaan Jungle.

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