Blizzard Adds New Role Queue Feature To Overwatch In Public Test Realm
Blizzard Entertainment has announced that it has added a Role Queue system to Overwatch in the Public Test Realm for PC. The new feature allows players to choose a certain role before a battle: tank, damage or support.
With Role Queue, Overwatch’s matchmaking system in Competitive Play and Quick Play gets an update. From now on, players can immediately choose whether they want to work as a tank, support or damage. The matchmaking system then pairs two tank, support, and damage heroes together to form a team. At the start of a battle, heroes with other skills can still be selected within the chosen role; afterwards players land in the main menu where they choose a role for the next match.
Each of the three roles has its own queue, each with an estimated waiting time. Players who choose a less popular role, with a shorter queue, are rewarded with – for example – a loot box. Blizzard Entertainment wants to ensure that the number of players for the different roles is more balanced, so that waiting times are never too high.
The Role Queue system is currently present in the Public Test Realm for PC and will go live on the servers with a Role Queue Beta Season in patch 1.39 which will run from August 13 to September 1. After that, the new feature will be definitively available before the start of Competitive Season 18.