BitTorrent co-founder Bram Cohen has left the company

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Bram Cohen, who was involved in founding the BitTorrent company in 2004 and developing the protocol of the same name, has left the company. BitTorrent was recently acquired by the entrepreneur behind the Tron cryptocurrency.

Cohen announced the move in a brief email exchange with TorrentFreak. The site couldn’t reach him at his @bittorrent email address, but could reach him at an alternate address. When asked if he no longer has an official position within the BitTorrent company, he said that this is correct. When asked if he is involved with Tron, he says that he has nothing to do with the cryptocurrency. He declined to comment further. In his Twitter profile he does mention that he is busy with ‘cryptocurrency stuff’, which he most likely refers to his position at Chia.

At the end of July, it was announced that BitTorrent has been acquired by the entrepreneur behind the Tron cryptocurrency, Justin Sun. The acquisition, which is reportedly paid for $140 million, was made with the Tron Foundation. Sun claimed the acquisition served to “liberate the Internet from the corporate stranglehold” and spoke of a vision of a free, transparent and decentralized network.

According to TorrentFreak, Tron’s plans come down to rewarding people for seeding files with its cryptocurrency. Cohen was involved in the development of the BitTorrent protocol in 2001 and co-founded the eponymous company in 2004 with a partner. It was previously announced that he was no longer involved in the day-to-day operations of the company, which never reached its goal of becoming a commercial audio and video network. BitTorrent owns, among other things, the uTorrent client.

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