BioWare: Working on Project ‘Mass Effect Fans Will Love’ In Progress

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BioWare says in a blog post that it is working on a project, possibly something in the Mass Effect universe. The latest game in that franchise, Andromeda, was not a huge success due to many technical issues.

“We know there are a lot of fans who want to see more of Dragon Age and Mass Effect and we have some teams working on stuff that you guys will love,” the studio said. Sadly, BioWare doesn’t disclose anything further out of caution, but the fact that even this small amount of information is being disclosed shows a degree of confidence in the work they’re doing on it.

Mass Effect: Andromeda would have turned out to be a disappointing game because the development team behind it had to make drastic changes to the concept a year and a half before release, so that all man hours were spent in making the game instead of polishing it. While Andromeda isn’t known as the best Mass Effect game, many of its biggest technical issues are said to have been resolved since its release. However, development on the game has been halted.

BioWare also speaks of ‘something fun’ for Dragon Age fans being worked on, but that was already clear. Nevertheless, reviewing the game here can be seen as a sign of life.

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